[PlanetCCRMA] libtool dependency in FC3 PlanetCCRMA sound apps needs updating?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Aug 19 17:26:01 PDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-08-08 at 17:50, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> > 
> > The problem is a fairly recent update to the compiler (coming from
> > Fedora). 
> ....
> > Apparently apt does more strict checking of dependencies than yum...

It looks like it is, after all, a bug in apt, see details in:
(I should have looked more closely at the dependencies of both packages)

Warren Togami wrote:
> [wtogami at devserv i386]$ rpm -qp gcc-3.4.4-2.fc3.i386.rpm --provides
> gcc = 3.4.3-26
> gcc34
> gcc = 3.4.4-2.fc3
> [wtogami at devserv i386]$ rpm -qp --requires libtool-1.5.6-4.FC3.2.i386.rpm  |grep gcc
> gcc = 3.4.3
> These are the latest gcc and libtool in FC3 updates.  They clearly match
> dependencies, as you can see if you install them manually with rpm.  This is an
> apt bug where it is failing to see both gcc versions provided by gcc.  It is
> seeing on the newest version.  apt has several other problems handling virtual
> provide dependencies like this.
> I used to be a big apt proponent, but now that upstream has given up and key
> capabilities like multilib will never happen, I now consider apt to be a
> dead-end.  Please stop using it if you want a fully working system in Fedora."

Now that I know that it is not a problem with libtool itself I'll 
release a package that keeps apt happy... arghhh...

-- Fernando

> I ran into this on the last updates and spent a little time on until 
> I realized that it was a fedora problem that they needed to work out.  
> I did have a few choice words in the house here for whoever is doing 
> the update stuff on fc3 though :)

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