[PlanetCCRMA] fc4: many additions

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 17 18:34:01 PDT 2005

Hi all, after a while there are some new packages in the Fedora Core 4
world, almost done with the rebuild. 

* audacity: includes jack support (sort of)
* lilypond: version 2.6.3 (uses gs 7.07, see caveats in the ChangeLog)
* tse3: version 0.3.0 (now includes the native alsa sequencer interface)
* noteedit: version 2.8.0
* vcdimager: 0.7.23
* gscanbus: 0.7.1
* mjpegtools: 1.6.3-0.1.rc1
* cinepaint: version
Parts of the Common Lisp world:
* sbcl: version 0.9.3
* cmucl: snapshot dated 2005.08
* clm 3: snapshot dated 2005.08.14
* cmn: snapshot dated 2005.07.12
* slime: version 1.2.1 (built for sbl and cmucl)
* cltl2 and hyperspec

And many supporting libraries needed for building all this.
As usual see more details in the online Changelog...
-- Fernando

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