Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Adding a new card

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Aug 10 07:46:01 PDT 2005

I'm guess Michael meant to send this to the list...

----- Forwarded message from Michael T D Nelson <m_nels at gmx.net> -----

> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:59:19 +0100
> From: Michael T D Nelson <m_nels at gmx.net>
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Adding a new card
> To: Steve Harris <S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk>
> Steve Harris wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 10:58:00 +0100, Michael T D Nelson wrote:
> >>I just bought an RME DIGI9636 second-hand. Will I need to do anything
> >>other than plugging in the card? Does ALSA automatically realise that
> >>there is a new card in the machine? Or do I need to configure it
> >> manually?
> >
> > That should be it, if it ists noticed at boot time, run alsaconf after
> > it boots.
> Thanks very much for letting me know. I bought the card second-hand and 
> want to try it out in my current machine to check that it works ok, 
> before I put it into another box...
> In just over a week's time I'm going to visit my parents in Devon. When 
> I get there I'm going to rebuild an Athlon XP1700+ machine to use as my DAW.
> <aside>
> It was the week that my final year electronics project (MIDI control 
> surface) was due in, and I was rushing through some prototyping on 
> breadboard, when I knocked a glass of lemon barley water over. The 
> liquid flowed along the desk, and poured off the end into my computer 
> case. The case was lying open on it's side, because I'd been doing a bit 
> of home-brew CPU cooling. I turned the machine off, and dried it out.
> Everything worked absolutely fine, until I decided to use the TV out the 
> next evening - when I heard a funny noise, and the machine stopped 
> working. I'm really hoping that a replacement Matrox G450 will rescue 
> the box, but otherwise I'll be buying a new motherboard soon as well.
> I've also rescued a 3u ATX rack case (with functional 300W power 
> supply!) from the local dump for the same machine.
> </aside>
> Back to the relevant bit. I'm considering trying FC4 on the newly 
> rebuilt box. What experience have people had with FC4 from PlanetCCRMA? 
> Am I likely to be able to get ALSA, Jack, and Ardour working? How about 
> Rosegarden, and Hydrogen, and Qsynth?
> Thanks yet again
> Michael Nelson

----- End forwarded message -----

Stephen Harris                    07970 557047
AKT, IAM Research Group          023 8059 8347
University of Southampton, UK
swh at ecs.soton.ac.uk     http://www.aktors.org/           

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