[PlanetCCRMA] VST Howto

chromdildo chromdildo at t-online.de
Wed Aug 10 07:41:01 PDT 2005

Hi Timo,

Very nice 'step by step', and even runs well on FC4.
Just to mention: in order to get jack_fst to compile I had to comment
out the whole
function (but still working)  (line 917 and following):
VstFileType (char* _name, ...) {...}
(gcc complaining about syntax errors)

Thanks for your work on the tutorial, where are you going to publish it?
On the PlanetCCRMA?

Best regards

Turkay Guner wrote:

>Hi Timo,
>Good start at first sight, nice work.
>In my opinion many people that are not into Linux or Linux Audio won't
>understand the Wine thing ..etc. I know many people around asking
>"Free software.. good... but can i have the power to use my precious
>VST(i)s ?" So you may put some very very basic links on for each steps
>to get them to realize what they will do to start it getting worked.
>Just an idea...
>I guess these will be the very first questions of FAQ section;
>"Will all my VST(i)s working under  Win32 apps be supported with FC3?"
>"Which VST(i)s really work and which are not?
>"Is there any limitation of the number of running VST(i)s at the same time?"
>"Can i use them standalone as was in Windows?"
>"Is there any issue about latency when using VST(i)s? Or is it all
>depends on configuration and hardware?"
>"My VST(i)s is not working or some features are missing there or
>sounds totally crap. Then, what must i do?"
>And many other questions not in my mind meanwhile...
>Good luck..
>On 8/8/05, Timo <timo.sivula at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Some time ago I wrote to the LAU list:
>>>From: Timo <timo.sivula at email-addr-hidden>
>>>Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 05:54:05 EEST
>>A lot of my text removed...
>>>Making VST work in Linux was very difficult.
>>And it still is...
>>>When I have the time to update my FC1 I will document every step in
>>>notes on how to make VST work with jack_fst and publish them here for
>>>public scrutiny.
>>I have written the first draft of the Planet CCRMA FC3 VST HOWTO. The
>>text is attached to this email for your comments. I would kinldy
>>request for comments until the 11th of August 2005 after which I
>>intend to publish the first version.
>>br, Timo
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