[PlanetCCRMA] Jack and Cinelerra
Joseph Dell'Orfano
fullgo at dellorfano.net
Sun Aug 7 11:50:01 PDT 2005
Unfortunately I don't have first hand experience with video capture. I
will be going in this direction as I intend to use a linux computer for
a home theater. Here is a link that may point you in the right
direction: http://infohost.nmt.edu/~kscott/video/
Well, your post has made me aware of MythTV
(http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc1) which I think I will
fiddle around with. A quick look at the documentation shows that MythTV
stores files as MPEG-2. This post
July/003828.html) tells how to use cinelerra with captured mpeg2 files
from a video capture card. Basically you need to run mpeg3toc on the
files to create a *.toc file. This file can be opened directly in
cinelerra for editing.
Mark, I do share your pain with video editing. My previous post
summarized over a year's work getting familiar with this stuff. I am
just a hobbyist with no experience writing code. At this point, my pain
has paid off because I have enough experience with it to do what I want
to do. This is really the price of "free" software! If you account for
what my time is worth, I have paid a handsome price for my video editing
Good luck and thanks for the tip about MythTV!
-Joe D
On Sun, 2005-08-07 at 06:09 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Joseph,
> Now do a complete reset. We are not working with video from
> cameras. We are workign with video captured from either a Dazzle under
> Windows or captured within MythTV. It seems that these tools cannot
> even begin to look at that stuff.
> It's been painful.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On 8/6/05, Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net> wrote:
> > 1. To get DV from your DV camera, plug into firewire and use Kino. This
> > will allow you to control the camera with your computer via the kino
> > interface. This allows you to capture video. Kino will break this up
> > into scenes if you like. I generally have it make a scene at every
> > camera cut.
> >
> > 2. Save the video files in quicktime format from kino. This is the only
> > format which I have found works well with cinelerra. This is a raw video
> > format, so there is no loss of quality from the camera through kino into
> > cinelerra.
> >
> > 3. Load the files into cinelerra and edit them on the timeline as you
> > see fit. (I guess this is the part that has everyone flummoxed!)
> >
> > 4. Cinelerra will render files as mpgs in addition to many other
> > formats. To make an actual DVD is actually not a user friendly
> > proposition, although there are several excellent tools being developed.
> > DVDauthor is the command line utility to actually author a DVD. This has
> > more menu options than anything I have seen available commercially for
> > home use. There is a gui frontend for this called Q-DVDauthor which
> > works well enough for me. (http://qdvdauthor.sourceforge.net/)
> >
> > Again, this is not an easy process to start off with. However, with a
> > lot of patience, you get a very powerful video editing suite. For
> > general home use, Kino is more than enough, though.
> >
> > -Joe D
> >
> >
> > On Sat, 2005-08-06 at 11:00 -0700, Brad Fuller wrote:
> > > Mark Knecht wrote:
> > >
> > > > My son and I tried to make sense of Cinelerra about a year ago. It
> > > > drove us nuts and seemed to demonstrate exactly why Open Source
> > > > Software doesn't win against market driven products you pay for. The
> > > > documentation was, at least at the time, almost nil, and it seemed to
> > > > us that nothing did what you would assume from using other program
> > > > like this under Windows. We couldn't figure it out at all.
> > > >
> > > you're not alone. I was also confused by it's interface. Seemed to take
> > > over and I couldn't really figure it out.
> > > I gave up.
> > >
> > --
> > Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>
> >
> >
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Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>
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