[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie Alert! Install questions

Sammy spity at mrlab.net
Mon Apr 18 06:05:01 PDT 2005

Sorry to interrupt, but I've got a few questions about using the 
PlanetCCRMA discs for Fedora...

I've only been using linux about 6 months so forgive me if the answers 
are obvious. After sampling a few distributions, I'd settled on Fedora 
3. I installed Rosegarden from source after mucking about for a while 
just trying to find the right libraries. Roegarden won't work... ALSA 
sound card issues I've been told.

I went through the Planet tutorial for Fedora 2 and 3, starting with 
apt and the alsa drivers, but after installing the new kernel, i still 
have all the rosegarden issues, plus more... none of my external 
devices will work.

Since i wanted to reinstall anyway, i thought I'd try the apt-enable 

If I do, I know the apt will be preconfigured, but what about the rest 
of it? Will I still need to install the alsa drivers and installed the 
modified kernel?

Thanks for the help.


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