[PlanetCCRMA] gem complie nearly there!

dominic samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 12 13:08:01 PDT 2005

ok the saga continues,

::following jamie's advice (thanks jamie) i did:-

./configure --enable-gltt=NO --

::I still get:-

checking for FTGLPixmapFont in -lftgl... no
checking alternate -lftgl
in ../../../GemLibs/ /usr/local/lib /usr/local/src... configure:
warning: Build ftgl library somewhere
checking for open in -lgltt... no
checking alternate -lgltt
in ../../../GemLibs/ /usr/local/lib /usr/local/src... configure: error:
Build gltt library somewhere

::I checked my /usr/local/include, it only contains:-

[root at localhost include]# ls
iwlib.h  wireless.h

::should freetype be in here? I looked for it and foud it in the
following places (only included what looked relevant in the list):-




::looked for m-pd.h and found it here:- 

[root at localhost include]# locate m_pd.h

SO what goes where? it looks like i either need to point the configure
file in the right place or move some stuff around? not sure what or how.

thanks for getting this far


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