[PlanetCCRMA] help , good old pdp compile in fc3

samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk samuraiskillz at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Apr 8 07:22:02 PDT 2005

Hi there, just a quick question, again.

Has anyone successfully compiled pdp in fc3 yet? I'm in a world of
pain.If you did it what did you do?

I use pd quite a bit wouldn't it be cool if ccrma came with pdp, gem
pidip and all of that already configured (probably the only veiled
request I will ever make, sorry)

I'll post my full list of warnings and errors later if no one has got it
working yet and posts how they did it.

One thing I did already try was erasing the -Werror flags in the
configure.ac and changing the path in the makeall file.



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