[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out there?

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Sep 29 15:40:01 PDT 2004

Hola Todos

Maybe we should think, we should start a PlanetCCRMA list in Spanish so
that we don't feel bad other people are not understanding what we are
saying (just being polite Nando !).

I have been using latex and latex2html in Spanish for a while and of
course still using the Xmodmap hack since X11v3.xx, the days of RH6.1.
The standard ISO8859-1 used to contain Spanish characters but now most
of the character manipulation stuff seems to have migrated to the UTF
standard which in the case of regular expressions doesn't like Spanish
characters or seems to me the Spanish part is still being developed.  

Nevertheless the Spanish version of aspell is pretty good and Xemacs can
be configured for using it. BTW, Evolution mail client is also
multi-language and it also uses aspell.

I have read somewhere (slashdot perhaps) that Miguel de Icaza has a huge
project or joint venture with Mexican schools in order to translate lots
of Linux software. He also claims that there is a Gnome Spanish API. I
am not sure about QT but I remember on this list or in the Lisp list 
somebody translating Snd to French. I think Motif and Gtk have their
Spanish APIs already.

I have not used Gnome or KDE in Spanish but I have seen people using it.
It is kind of weird because of the different Spanish pseudo-dialects
around the world.

I am not sure but maybe there is a Spanish version of Pd and if not Pd
or Supercollider if not Snd, should be like the starting points. But as
great as it might seem, what about documentation. I think this is really
a bigger undertake.

I really support the idea, but before doing anything we should think on
some sort of Linux Audio and Media conference "only" in Spanish so that
we would be able to see how many people could get involved, what kind of
programs, and also to look for joint efforts. What about a call for
papers and projects for a Latino-Linux-Audio conference (not in Miami
please), I could volunteer for preparing and electing a chairman for
something like this. But don't get me wrong I think Dave Phillips should
be the keynote speaker even if we have to translate.

Another starting point should be to look for the state of the Debian and
RedHat projects in Spanish. 

Are we going to work on our spare time, on holidays and weekends. Is
there any one on sabbatical ?

  Muchos saludes a todos,

  --* Juan 

On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 15:04, Rodrigo Segnini wrote:
> Hola Pablo, Daniel, y otros colegas hispano-hablantes.
> Somos bastantes!
> Me parece un esfuerzo positivo pero es enorme.
> Supongo que habria que hacer una lista para priorizar el orden de accion, 
> contactar a quienes desarrollan cada aplicacion, ofrecernos para la 
> localizacion, documentar el proceso en alguna parte (la pagina de Planet 
> CCRMA?). O tu te refieres solo a traducir el web site de Planet CCRMA al 
> espanyol?
> Igual estaria dispuesto a colaborar.
> Sugiero que una vez que encontremos una cantidad de personas suficiente, 
> llevemos este tema fuera de la lista para organizarnos.
> Rodrigo
> > From: "Daniel Tonda Castillo" <dtc at gawab.com>
> > To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> > Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 04:47:54 GMT
> > Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out there?
> > 
> > 
> > Hello:
> > 
> > I'm from Mexico and use PlanetCCRMA + FC2.
> > 
> > Daniel
> > 
> > hpsilva at servidor.unam.mx escritos:
> > 
> > > Hi again!
> > > 
> > > I was wondering if there are any Spanish-speaking or more especifically mexican users of Planet 
> > > CCRMA lurking around here... I want to ask the list if there is at all any interest in cooperating on a 
> > > translation of the software to Spanish. I would like to do this for our classes here in Mexico City, as I 
> > > feel learning is always easier in your native language and this could give a boost to free software for 
> > > music in our countries.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for your attention to this.
> > > 
> > > Pablo 
> > > 
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