[PlanetCCRMA] FC2 Bleeding Edge install question

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Tue Sep 28 13:51:01 PDT 2004

Matt Barber wrote:
> ->R9 is patched on top of 2.6.9rc1-bk12, I have not tried cd burning...
> I just uploaded it to the repository, so add planetedge to sources.list,
> apt-get update and install the new kernel and alsa drivers. The usual
> drill for edge dwellers :-)<-
> Just opened synaptic;
> The repository seems to list the R9 as still  Is this right, or
> is it actually a 2.6.9 kernel?
> Thanks,
> Matt

    I don't see it either. Maybe it takes a while for apt-get pdate to 
pick up the changes? When I did apt-get update the planetedge file was 
the only one that required updating so I thought I'd find the kernel but 
I didn't.

- Mark

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