[PlanetCCRMA] FC2 Bleeding Edge install question

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Sep 28 13:17:01 PDT 2004

On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 10:32:16AM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Fernando, Steve or anyone else out on the edge,
>    I've installed FC2 and have started the Planet installation. So far 
> very, very smooth. Great work Fernando. apt is updated and Synaptic is 
> installed. I've not modified any start-up processes and am just running 
> KDE for now. My thought is to leave everything as generic as possible 
> and then only change things (like fluxbox for KDE) should I run into a 
> problem. I know Steve runs (or ran) KDE and reports good results, so I 

Actually I run Gnome FWIW.

> should just go with that for now as it's easy to change later. I've 
> rebooted just to ensure no extra warning messages and am looking around 
> the system for now.
>    The next step is doing the 2.6.7-Planet kernel but I'm a bit unsure 
> of the right steps. I'm at this link, which will likely break. Sorry.
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/changelog.html#latestplanetcoretwo
> and the text launches into a discussion of how to log the possible 
> sources of xruns before I've installed the kernel. I presume that the 
> right thing to do is to skip the discussion and go to the command:
> apt-get install planetccrma-core
> which I guess picks up the right kernel since I've modified apt with the 
> FC2 files? Is this correct?

You should probably install the "P9" kernel, there was a message from
Fernando giveing the exact command line, but I'm afraid I dont have a link
to it.
> Also, there has been considerable discussion on the Gentoo lists that 
> the right modutils package for 2.6 series kernels is called 
> module-init-tools. I see what appears to be the older 2.4 series 
> modutils here:
> apt-get install modutils
> I assume this is correct for what we're doing on FC2 and that the other 
> is just a Gentoo thing?

FC2 comes with a version of module-init-tools that works fine with the
planet kernels.

- Steve 

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