[PlanetCCRMA] Jamin Problem

R Parker rtp405 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 26 19:47:01 PDT 2004

--- Dan Harper <tech at danharper.org> wrote:

> I've had a problem with Jamin (version 0.9.0) on FC1
> CCRMA for a while. 
> If I attempt to start it, the GUI quickly appears
> and then disappears
> within around half a second and says "Aborted".

I'll see this type of behaviour when testing with
buffers 2 and frames 128 or 64. I almost always work
at 1024 and never see the abort at that configuration.


> If I download and compile the latest CVS (0.9.03) it
> works fine. 
> (Fernando - I'm not sure if you want to update CCRMA
> with this version
> or not)
> I'm not sure why this is happening, is there any way
> to test this
> further?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> -- 
> Dan Harper
> http://danharper.org
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