[PlanetCCRMA] SuperCollider3 package

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Sep 20 22:21:02 PDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 17:01, Dan Harper wrote:
> Can I add to the list the new hydrogen and qjackctl too?

Sure... :-)

[I'm back from the trip, regretfully I did not access to a fast network
connection so in the end I could not keep up with email remotely. It'll
take me a few days to read everything and start answering...]

> On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 08:47, Charlls Quarra wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Are there plans to release a CCRMA SuperCollider3
> > package anytime soon?

Yes, definitely. I have packages already working, if I can tune them up
this week I'll do a release..., worse case an "experimental" one. 

-- Fernando

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