[PlanetCCRMA] Any advice for building a linux-based pro studio piece by piece?

Brian Jarrett bjarrett at garcoschools.org
Mon Sep 20 13:56:01 PDT 2004

Thanks for your reply.

Since I've posted this I went back to the ardour website and see that they claim they'll work. QUOTE: "You can mix any number of tracks that your hardware can handle, and you can use both MMC and generic MIDI control surfaces to manage the mix without developing wrist injuries or despising your laptop touchpad."  
(Now why didn't I see that before?)

Since that's the case I guess I'd like some comments from those who have actually used this feature and what devices they are using.  I'm assuming that midi support is pretty simple without many caveats, but I'd like confirmation before I just go and buy a midi control surface from someone on ebay.

As you say, I want to be careful about what hardware I buy.

If it would work, I think I could get a PCI based Omni Studio and a Midi Control Surface to start out with and that would give me 4 channels in/out and easy control of my mix all for maybe $600 or less.  Then I could spend some money on good monitors, mics, etc.  I'm just more worried about the purchases of the midi and ADC/DAC components because I haven't had much experience with them.  With my involvement in music I have a good grasp of all the other "analog" equipment.  Making the smooth integration to digital is my concern.

Maybe some of the gurus on this list could post with an inventory of what they use in their studio.  I'd really like to know what's been used effectively.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: acabrera at teleset.com.co [mailto:acabrera at teleset.com.co]
> Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 2:23 PM
> To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Any advice for building a linux-based pro
> studio piece by piece?
> What you are thinking is definitely possible. You have to be 
> careful with what
> audio interface (ADC) you get, since linux support is 
> somewhat limited.
> Don't forget about good mics and preamps and room treatment.
> I hadn't thought about it, but I'm not sure if there's 
> support in Ardour for
> MIDI control surfaces. I'd like to hear there is!
> Cheers,
> Andres
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