[PlanetCCRMA] FC2: planetccrma-core vs. ipw2100

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Sep 9 04:06:01 PDT 2004

On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 08:33:04PM +1000, Peter Howard wrote:
> I believe the two repository maintainers - Fernando and Axel - read this
> list so hopefully . . . 
> Anyway.
> I have a new toy; and IBM Tinkpad T41.  Which has a Centrino chipset. 
> With FC2 installed.  So, to get wireless running I installed the ipw2100
> package from Axel's repository (specifically ipw2100-0.54-19.rhfc2.at
> and iwp2100-firmware-1.2-3.at and
> kernel-module-ipw2100-2.6.8-1.521-0.54-19.rhfc2.at).  Which also pulls
> in a supporting kernel (kernel-2.6.8-1.521) and supporting stuff.

You can get the ipw2100 driver working in planet, but part of the ipw2100
driver depends on the kernel, so you have to build it especially for the
planet kernel. I tried to do this via the src RPMs but I had no idea what
I was doing and failed horribly :)

In the end I built the latest ipw2100 driver from source, after
installing the planet kernel source, it went OK, but for some reason I
have to rmmod ipw2100; modprobe ipw2100 after I boot. No idea why.

Hopefully the ipw2100 driver will make it into the main kernel at some
> Now I try to install planetccrma-core and get the following errors:
> planetccrma-core: Depends: alsa-driver (= 1.0.5a-1.cvs.rhfc2.ccrma) but
> 1.0.6a-31.rhfc2.at is to be installed
> repeated for alsa-lib, alsa-lib-devel, and alsa-utils.
> Can I resolve this via some form of pinning and allowing multiples of
> those packages?  I am happy to have to boot for either wireless or
> CCRMA, so long as they can both be installed.  Could someone talk me
> through the settings?

Ah, I hadn't noticed but when I installed planet core it removed my ATRPMs
alsa stuff. Oh well :)

You could try adding "^kernel-module-alsa" to the Allow-Duplicated bit of
your /etc/apt/apt.conf, but its just a guess.

- Steve

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