[PlanetCCRMA] evolution mk-249c USB MIDI controller help

Paul Coccoli pcoccoli at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 19:58:02 PDT 2004

On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 10:02:47 +1000, Peter Howard <pjh at coastal.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I've held of from replying in the hope that someone with more knowledge
> would reply.  Having seen no other responses I'll try to be some help.
> I'm assuming that the 249c is MIDI/USB only (i.e. no Audio).  If not,
> please ignore the rest of this.
> I have an m-audio Oxygen 8.  Given M-Audio now owns Evolution I'm hoping
> that there are some similarities :-)  The thing I notice missing from
> your comments is any mention of hotplug setup.  M-Audio USB-MIDI
> interfaces (i.e. the M-Audio keyboards and the Midisport interfaces)
> require firmware to be downloaded to the hardware when plugged in.  Does
> that sound relevant?

Well, M-Audio distributes Evolution, but I don't think they have
anything to do with the design of the controller.  I could be wrong; I
really have no idea how any USB MIDI (or USB in general) stuff works. 
The page I referenced
[http://www.djcj.org/LAU/guide/evolution-usb-midi.php] doesn't mention
anything about downloading firmware, either.

I'll start looking into hotplug, though.  Thanks.

> --
> Peter Howard
> pjh at coastal.net.au
> Jabber Id: pjhacnau at 12jabber.com
> AIM Id: pjhacnau

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