[PlanetCCRMA] evolution mk-249c USB MIDI controller help

Peter Howard pjh at coastal.net.au
Wed Sep 1 17:00:01 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 12:04, Paul Coccoli wrote:
> I'm stumped.  I'll admit it.  I don't know what all those ALSA snd-seq
> modules do.  I don't know if I need to add snd-usb-audio to my
> /etc/modules.conf.  Here's what I do know: USB is working on my box
> (Red Hat 9 + planet), because I can plug in my USB qwerty keyboard and
> I see activity in /var/log/messages (and I'm typing this message using
> it).  When I plug in the mk-249c, nothing shows up in
> /var/log/messages (or qsynth).
> This page was no help:
> http://www.djcj.org/LAU/guide/evolution-usb-midi.php, despite a
> promising title.
> My box is a Shuttle XPC, model number sk41g.  I have a M-audio Delta
> 66 set up and working fine (thanks to Planet CCRMA).  There's built-in
> sound too, but I don't use it (disabled in BIOS).
> [paul at localhost paul]$ cat /proc/asound/cards
> 0 [M66            ]: ICE1712 - M Audio Delta 66
>                      M Audio Delta 66 at 0xc000, irq 17
> What should modules.conf look like?  Do I need to have an asoundrc file?
> [paul at localhost paul]$ uname -a
> Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.26-1.ll.rh90.ccrma #1 Fri Apr 16
> 21:56:56 PDT 2004 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
> Would anything else be helpful?  Has anyone gotten this keyboard
> working with USB?  It worked on another machine using the game port on
> an SBLive!.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> paul

Hi Paul,

I've held of from replying in the hope that someone with more knowledge
would reply.  Having seen no other responses I'll try to be some help.

I'm assuming that the 249c is MIDI/USB only (i.e. no Audio).  If not,
please ignore the rest of this.

I have an m-audio Oxygen 8.  Given M-Audio now owns Evolution I'm hoping
that there are some similarities :-)  The thing I notice missing from
your comments is any mention of hotplug setup.  M-Audio USB-MIDI
interfaces (i.e. the M-Audio keyboards and the Midisport interfaces)
require firmware to be downloaded to the hardware when plugged in.  Does
that sound relevant?

Peter Howard
pjh at coastal.net.au
Jabber Id: pjhacnau at 12jabber.com
AIM Id: pjhacnau
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