[PlanetCCRMA] [Low latency patches] Voluntary Preempt vs. Staircase+mappedwatermark

Arthur Sosa arthur.sosa at email.it
Thu Sep 2 14:41:02 PDT 2004

I thought it would not be possible to run jack on my system like this:

# jackd -Rv -d alsa -p 128 -n 3 -r 44100

But I just tried Con Kolivas' patches (ck5 with kernel
( adding the _important_ latest little patch
   http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/2.6/ )

and I see _no more xruns_ even under heavy loads!!!  It's incredible!

Fernando, I tried the new kernels with voluntary preemption, but they
perform _very_ bad . I must learn the way how to find out the reasons.

Now it's late, tomorrow I'll do my best to submit some real test

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