[PlanetCCRMA] Re: nvidia driver

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Thu Sep 2 09:20:04 PDT 2004


  I'll second Andrew's remarks. I've upgraded Planet C a few times now, 
I always forget about the nVidia driver until I get the X failure. Then 
I just connect with nVidia and do their install script thing and 
everything works again. Jeez, I wish that company would get hip and 
open-source their drivers...



Andrew Burgess wrote:

>>jim ruxton <cinetron at passport.ca> wrote:
>>>Hi I'm trying to update my nvidia driver module but when I did X stopped
>>>working. Could it be because I have a different gcc than what the planet
>>>kernel is compiled on? I downloaded and installed this rpm below but no
>>>luck. I'm using Fedora 1. and gcc 3.3.2
>>> Any thoughts ..
>I downloaded the driver from nvidias website, used their install script and
>it worked fine. More hassle than an rpm but it works :-)
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