[PlanetCCRMA] Re: apt broken after installing ATrpms?

Nathaniel Virgo nathaniel.virgo at ntlworld.com
Mon Oct 25 10:08:02 PDT 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 08:35, Nathaniel Virgo wrote:
>>Axel Thimm wrote:
>>>Yes, I'd move the *.rpmsave back to the normal names to get the old
>>>and known working configuration back. Then I'd install
>>>medley-package-config from http://atrpms.net/name/medley-package-config/
>>>(which will install under *.rpmnew) and merge/takeover con fig files
>>>according to your personal preferences. Or you could start with the
>>>medley-package-config files and modify them from there.
>>Okay, I got around to doing that, and decided to just keep the config 
>>files that medley-package-config gave me, but now when I run apt-get 
>>update I get the errors shown below and nothing gets installed (though 
>>an awful lot gets downloaded of course).  What can I do to resolve this?
>Did you try an "apt-get dist-upgrade"?
>That will be more agressive in what it tries to do. 
Sorry, I meant to write "apt-get dist-upgrade" in that email, not 
"apt-get update" - update and upgrade work fine, it's dist-upgrade that 
gives those errors.

>>Committing changes...
>>Preparing...                ########################################### 
>>        file /usr/bin/fftw-wisdom conflicts between attempted installs 
>>of fftw3-3.0.1-2.fr and fftw-3.0.1-6.rhfc1.at
>>        file /usr/lib/libfftw3.so.3.0.1 conflicts between attempted 
>>\	installs of fftw3-3.0.1-2.fr and fftw-3.0.1-6.rhfc1.at
>>        file /usr/lib/libfftw3_threads.so.3.0.1 conflicts between 
>Axel (atrpms) has a different naming convention that the other
>repositories for fftw, the same package has different names (fftw3 vs
>fftw). Some package somewhere must have an explicit dependency on the
>name of the fftw package (fftw3 or fftw), so that the library
>requirements are not enough, and both try to get installed at the same
Any idea how I can prevent this from happening?

>>        file /usr/share/doc/HTML/en_GB/common/1.png conflicts between 
>>attempted installs of kde-i18n-British-3.3.1-0.0.kde and 
>Hmmm, where do those come from? Which repository? Looks like a conflict
>inside a different repository (kde?). 
I don't know - the medey-package-config package added quite a few 
different repositories to my sources.list and I don't know how to find 
out which files are coming from where.  I don't use kde, though, so I'm 
not particularly fussed about these doc files, I just want to be able to 
run dist-upgrade.

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