[PlanetCCRMA] mobile hardware setup tips?

marcus marcusplanet at adelphia.net
Fri Oct 22 12:47:00 PDT 2004

I´m constructing a cheap mobile hardware setup and I´d appreciate input:

The goal is provide a means to drive to a public location, step out of a 
vehicle and begin playing a solo live performance within a couple of minutes.

vocals+ LADSPA effects
bass guitar+ LADSPA effects
midi triggering device, probably Roland SPD-6 drum pads

I´m planning to purchase a higher end boom box (suggestions?) to use as a 
P.A., route all sound input through a 1.7 Ghz PlanetCCRMA laptop with USB 
sound (Edirol UA-25?), employ an inexpensive wireless mic (suggestions?), and 
power the boom box through a car battery inverter.

thank you to Planet CCRMA people and Stanford

Marcus Planet

. . . in times of crisis there emerges a hippie commando . . .
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