[PlanetCCRMA] Lacie Firewire drive on Planet CCRMA

Andres Cabrera acabrera at teleset.com.co
Mon Oct 18 13:20:02 PDT 2004

thanks Fernando and Mark,

> 1) Make sure that ohci1394, ieee1394 and sbp2 are all loaded.

lsmod reports all of them are loaded,

> 2) Check dmesg for info when you plug the drive in. It should say what
> it's callign the drive, ala /dev/sda, etc. Mount your drive partition
> from there.

I tried plugging the drive while doing:
[root at localhost andres]# tail -f /var/log/messages

Oct 18 15:10:00 localhost kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Logged into SBP-2 device
Oct 18 15:10:00 localhost kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Node 1-01:1023: Max 
speed [S400] - Max payload [1024]
Oct 18 15:10:00 localhost kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Reconnected to SBP-2 
Oct 18 15:10:00 localhost kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Node 1-00:1023: Max 
speed [S400] - Max payload [1024]
Oct 18 15:10:00 localhost ieee1394.agent[21150]: missing kernel or user 
mode driver sbp2
Oct 18 15:10:03 localhost devlabel: devlabel service started/restarted

So it looks like this is the problem, but any ideas what can I do about it?


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