[PlanetCCRMA] new section: "in the pipeline"

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Mon Oct 11 08:16:00 PDT 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> Hi Planet CCRMA dwellers... I just added a new section to the web pages.
> The "In the Pipeline" section (see link from the changelog) lists
> pending stuff I have in my to do list, plus comments when updates or
> additions are not straightforward and/or are stalled for some reason.
> Feel free to send me stuff to add (or stuff I have said I'd do, but is
> not there), but try to be reasonable (for example: "rebuild all of
> Planet CCRMA to run on my Commodore 64" will probably not be added to
> the list :-)
> I have been meaning to do this for a while. There are so many ending
> things I'm starting to loose track :-)
> The list does not yet have a priority associated with each item, I will
> also add the date items were introduced after today. Most of the time
> "easy" upgrades will jump to the top and be done fast. 
> -- Fernando

    Thanks for doing this. I think it will be a good way for people to 
see what you are working on and maybe improve the way we can give inputs.

    Thanks for all your work.

- Mark

P.S. - the PlanetEdge kernel is working quite well on my Desktop machine 
so far. No need for me to build my own like I had to on my laptop.

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