[PlanetCCRMA] planetedge??

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Oct 10 16:11:02 PDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 15:08, Charlls Quarra wrote:
>  --- Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com> escribió: 
>   You can get
> > access to it by adding a planetedge entry in your
> > /etc/apt/sources.list file and then doing an apt-get
> > update. New stuff
> > will show up in synaptic.
>  how do i find planetedge entries? googling
> "planetedge apt" or "planetedge repository" doesnt
> return nothing clearly useful

The only thing I currently have there are experimental 2.6.x kernels for
Fedora Core 2 that have the "voluntary preemption" patch applied. 

To see what's there you have to add an entry to /etc/apt/sources.list,
just duplicate the existing entry for "planetccrma" and change
"planetccrma" to "planetedge", apt-get update and then, for example,
"apt-get install kernel" will show you additional entries with the
newest kernels. 

There's nothing there (I think) for FC1 and earlier. I very seldom use

-- Fernando

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