[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma release file

Mark Knecht markknecht at comcast.net
Mon Oct 4 20:57:03 PDT 2004

   I think it's a bit easier than that. I installed FC2 and then the
Planet stuff Friday. All I had to do was download the two apt files for
FC2 and put them in /etc/apt as instructed. After they are in place then
basically, from the command, it's apt-get update and then follow the
instructions for doing the kernel, etc.

   I think your confusion is that sources.list tells apt what you prefer
to use for your sources web site.

   Hope I've got this right. This is from memory as I watch a movie and
I'm in Gentoo and not the Planet right now.

   Anyway, it is easy. Just follow the instructions carefully.

good luck,

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 19:17, Jack Tanner wrote:
> I hope this goes through even though I'm not subscribed to the list; the 
> subscription page doesn't want to send me a confirmation e-mail.
> I'm a newbie to apt and CCRMA both, so I apologize in advance if this is 
> a dumb question.
> I'm running FC2, with kernel 2.6.8-1. I'd like to install the CCRMA 
> kernel in addition.
> My understanding is that the cleanest way to do that is to tell apt that 
> CCRMA is my preferred repository in general via /etc/apt/preferences and 
> something like
> Package: *
> Pin: release o=CCRMA
> Pin-Priority: 1001
> But this is only supposed to work if CCRMA is defined as an o(rigin) in 
> /var/state/apt/lists/ccrma.stanford.edu_planetccrma_apt_fedora_2_i386_base_release
> $ head 
> /var/state/apt/lists/ccrma.stanford.edu_planetccrma_apt_fedora_2_i386_base_release
> Origin: Unknown
> Label: Unknown
> Suite: Unknown
> Codename: Unknown
> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 16:42:36 -0700
> Architectures: Unknown
> Components: core updates planetccrma planetcore planetedge
> Description: Not available
> This is in contrast to other /var/state/apt/lists/*_release files, e.g., 
> mirrors_kernel.org_fedora.us_*_release:
> Origin: Fedora Extras
> Label: Fedora Extras
> Suite: Fedora Core 2
> Codename: Tettnang
> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 07:57:40 -1000
> Architectures: i386 i586 i686 athlon noarch
> Components: os updates updates-testing stable testing unstable
> Description: Fedora Extras add-on packages for Fedora Core 2
> Am I totally off base? Would it be possible to modify the CCRMA release 
> file to include origin information?
> Thanks!
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