[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma release file
Jack Tanner
ihok at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 4 20:03:00 PDT 2004
I hope this goes through even though I'm not subscribed to the list; the
subscription page doesn't want to send me a confirmation e-mail.
I'm a newbie to apt and CCRMA both, so I apologize in advance if this is
a dumb question.
I'm running FC2, with kernel 2.6.8-1. I'd like to install the CCRMA
kernel in addition.
My understanding is that the cleanest way to do that is to tell apt that
CCRMA is my preferred repository in general via /etc/apt/preferences and
something like
Package: *
Pin: release o=CCRMA
Pin-Priority: 1001
But this is only supposed to work if CCRMA is defined as an o(rigin) in
$ head
Origin: Unknown
Label: Unknown
Suite: Unknown
Codename: Unknown
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 16:42:36 -0700
Architectures: Unknown
Components: core updates planetccrma planetcore planetedge
Description: Not available
This is in contrast to other /var/state/apt/lists/*_release files, e.g.,
Origin: Fedora Extras
Label: Fedora Extras
Suite: Fedora Core 2
Codename: Tettnang
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 07:57:40 -1000
Architectures: i386 i586 i686 athlon noarch
Components: os updates updates-testing stable testing unstable
Description: Fedora Extras add-on packages for Fedora Core 2
Am I totally off base? Would it be possible to modify the CCRMA release
file to include origin information?
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