[PlanetCCRMA] New Apt problems

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Fri Nov 26 17:53:01 PST 2004

> Nope, they all depend on libmad.so.0.  Shouldn't apt-get try to
> download 
> Libmad automatically when that happens?

these are pretty much the same problems i was having with apt and ccrma

especially with libmad, which you've probly installed previous to ccrma
to get mp3 playback capabilities, i've found that the libmad i might
need for a non-ccrma package won't be compatible with the libmad needed
by say rosegarden - my solution, i think, was to compile libmad from
source and install it ... or something ...

i think you'll find that the dependencies thing can be avoided by
finding a certain order to installing things ... i mean, ideally you
should be able to just pick the packages and have them install - but i
imagine that it is quite hard to handle apt packaging in the wild and
woolly world of open source?

i myself ain't too hip with the technical side of linux, but i thought
i'd just give my perspective.


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