[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Apt problems]

William M. Quarles walrus at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 26 08:56:01 PST 2004

Axel Thimm wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 12:23:44AM -0500, William M. Quarles wrote:
>> William M. Quarles wrote:
>>> In order for me to get this done, is there a way to download
>>> packages directly?  I've tried accessing the http directories
>>> available on the website and on the apt repositories, but I can't
>>> a direct listing of the files.  I'll need to install older
>>> versions of all of the packages available to do this test.
>> OK, I went to a Planet CCRMA mirror (ATrpms) because that site
>> allowed directory listings, which allowed me to install some older
>> packages.
> Hm, I was under the impression that permissions on the atrpms mirror 
> were inherited as is from the master server (Nando, if there is 
> something I need to fix, let me know).
> But didn' apt-cache policy <package> reveal all the older packages
> you might want to test (and apt-get install <package>=<evr> for 
> installing/downgrading it)?

Yeah, but then I would have to run apt-cache policy <package> for every
single package.  And I would need a nice uniform list of every single 
package, which there is not.  It was easier just to look at the 
directory, see what I needed, and click.  No excessive typing, nor 
excessive copy-pasting of names.  I don't like the main Planet CCRMA 
site's lack of directory listing anyways, I wish that it could be 
released again.

Fernando, as for this:

William M. Quarles wrote:
> On another note, you used to provide direct downloads of the kernel
> and ALSA packages from the website... Why no longer?

I forgot to say MidiShare as well.

I found out how to do direct downloads from the website, but there is 
not a nice way of getting to the appropriate page.  I'm guessing that 
you updated the site and left an old page in place.

Starting at <http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/>, scroll 
down and click on "Sound and Music Applications," which directs you to 
<http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/soundapps.html>. Click 
on the "The Planet CCRMA package" at the top, which directs you to 
<http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/packages.html>.  Scroll 
to the bottom of the page to find the "System stuff" heading.

Aside, the top of this "The Planet CCRMA package" page does not have 
Fedora Core 1 listed on it.  The "shared repository" links at the top, 
which do provide direct directory access to the packages (yay!) only 
provide access to Red Hat Linux versions of the RPMs (boo!), and are 
probably outdated anyways.

Another way that I found to do it were two much less obvious links on 
"Installing the kernel and sound drivers" 
(I say less obvious because they are not in an outline format like the 
other links, but rather are buried in text).

Still working on getting that third Up2Date test done...


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