[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Apt problems]

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Fri Nov 26 00:34:01 PST 2004

On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 12:23:44AM -0500, William M. Quarles wrote:
> William M. Quarles wrote:
> >In order for me to get this done, is there a way to download packages 
> >directly?  I've tried accessing the http directories available on the 
> >website and on the apt repositories, but I can't a direct listing of the 
> >files.  I'll need to install older versions of all of the packages 
> >available to do this test.
> OK, I went to a Planet CCRMA mirror (ATrpms) because that site allowed 
> directory listings, which allowed me to install some older packages.

Hm, I was under the impression that permissions on the atrpms mirror
were inherited as is from the master server (Nando, if there is
something I need to fix, let me know).

But didn' apt-cache policy <package> reveal all the older packages you
might want to test (and apt-get install <package>=<evr> for
installing/downgrading it)?
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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