[PlanetCCRMA] apt us lan

Emilio Procaccini emilioprocaccini at inwind.it
Thu Nov 25 13:12:01 PST 2004

Dear friends,
i'm a new FC1 (on an old pentium II 333) and FC2 user (on a notebook compaq 
evo n600c pentiun III 1066). I'm sorry for my too bad english  but i hope to 
explain myself. On the first situation i have installed the CCRMA cdrom and  
i do my best.Also in the second situation i succeed to make some things as, 
for example, to work whit "Audio-sport Quattro". But i have problems,when i 
call apt-get, to arrive at your repositories. At public school where i teach 
piano, the internet access become trough  a lan and in the 90% of cases i 
receive messages of not found package or, for apt-get update, repositories. 
Only when i change IP i succeed,rather rarely and only on  first time, to 
make apt-get. What can i do?
Thank for your work.
Emilio Procaccini 
Fabriano (An) Italy

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