[PlanetCCRMA] intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG with planetedge kernels

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Fri Nov 19 09:19:01 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 11:29, Matthew Allen wrote:
> If you have any questions or problems, just post to the list. I had
> some minor problems but most of those can be traced to not
> understanding how to set up wireless under linux.
> You will need to get the kernel src in order to build the module (if
> you dont already have it).
> All kernel source RPMS can be found here:
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/all/linux/SRPMS/

thanks, matthew!

i've compiled the driver, modprobe'd it, and put the firmware files in
/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware (as shown in /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent). on
reboot, anaconda found the ipw2200 -- i configured it for DHCP. 

however, attempts to bring up eth1 (which is the ipw2200) either during
boot or subsequently (in system-config-network) yield an "ipw2200 device
does not seem to be present, delaying initialization" error message.

lsmod shows the ipw2200, ieee80211, and ieee80211_crypt modules. 

how can i determine if the firmware is being loaded?
also, i don't see where to set my wireless channel and WEP

so close, and yet so far....


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