[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Reliability of the fc2 ccrma kernel?

Timo Sivula timo.sivula at luukku.com
Thu Nov 18 16:28:01 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 05:17, Mark Knecht wrote:
>    I'd be happy to send you the config file that I'm using on my
> Gentoo laptop. I have more faith in this kernel than what I'm running
> under FC2 right now. I'll forward that off list if it's OK.

Yes, please.

> If all of this seems like something you want to try then I can
> hopefully help you go through it. I found it pretty difficult, and
> unfortunately I keep horrible notes. Basically I jsut have the email
> threads that were passed around when I did it.

No problem. I will try this at home on the FC3 distribution and come
back when I encounter problems.

> Let me know if you want this config file.

Yes, please!

Br, Timo

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