[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Other repositories
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 27 15:17:02 PDT 2004
On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 19:15, Axel Thimm wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 07:00:08PM -0700, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 11:31, Axel Thimm wrote:
> > > On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 05:15:17PM +0100, Nathaniel Virgo wrote:
> > > From the list you posted the only really alarming note was:
> > > > The following packages will be REMOVED:
> > > > planetccrma-core
> > >
> > > I cannot understand what wants to remove (only) this package.
> >
> > I think I do.
> >
> > That meta package is the one used to install the Planet CCRMA kernel and
> > alsa. It asks for specific versions so that there is no possible
> > confusion of kernels, alsa modules and so on and so forth, if you
> > install planetccrma-core you get the right kernel and alsa for your
> > machine (or for an smp machine if you install planetccrma-core-smp and
> > so on and so forth). The version number of alsa is higher in atrpms than
> > in Planet CCRMA (1.0.4-28 > 1.0.4-1)[*]. So apt figures that it is good
> > to update alsa, but then the specific versions called for in planetcore
> > are not satisfied and it is erased.
> >
> > [*] why -28? I could not access the specs or src.rpms to find out...
> spec files are at http://atrpms.net/dist/fc2/alsa-driver/. There isn't
> anything special to 28, other than it being the 28th build (I don't
> reset the build number when the version bumps).
I see. Maybe you should (just a suggestion). Current practice (AFAIK) is
to reset to one on new versions.
> > Probably the best thing would be to force apt to ignore alsa packages
> > from other repos (unless you specifically want them for some reason).
> > That could be done by adding the alsa packages to /etc/apt/apt.conf in
> > the "Ignore" list, I guess.
> I'd prefer fixing the situation for a clean apt/yum/up2date/rcd
> environment.
> I'd like to create a situation, where PlanetCCRMA superseeds ATrpms in
> the choice of alsa bits (ATrpms needs alsa for the few users that
> don't want to mix repos and the ones using ATrpms' kernels). Would you
> bump the version up to above 28? For the next alsa-driver release I
> could use a 0-prefixed release tag to ensure PlanetCCRMA always
> superseeds. Is that a deal? :)
I was thinking on something like this myself for packages that I have to
"borrow" from other repositories. Definitely doable. But there are finer
details to work out. Like kernel modules for your kernels, compatibility
between versions and so on and so forth. Another detail is that I
usually package cvs after the usual flurry of bug reports after a
release subsides (your users may not want to use cvs).
I could also require >= in my planetccrma-core-* packages but then other
type of problem may happen. For example in my packages I currently
include the rc startp script alsasound, last I checked freshrpms did
not. So if for some reason freshrpms overrides my packages then the
startup script would dissapear...
Hmmm, difficult, I have to give this some more thought. I still think
(for now) I'd prefer my alsa packages to always be there unless
overriden explicitly.
-- Fernando
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