[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Greetings FC2 I got capabilities and jack working

Daniel Tonda Castillo dtc at gawab.com
Wed May 26 00:13:01 PDT 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano escritos:

> Apparently things are even more complicated. Booting 2.4.26-1.ll in FC2
> (the kernel built on FC1) I still get xruns. On the same machine, with
> the same kernel but running in FC1 I get virtually no xruns. 

So I guess we still have work to do...

Truth is I installed FC2 because Gnome 2.6 is very nice, and
compiling everything from source with garnome would have been
too excruciatingly long...

We'll get to it, eventually...

Thanks for your great work in the planet!
Daniel Tonda Castillo

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