[PlanetCCRMA] Firewire and USB with Fedora

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 13 10:53:03 PDT 2004

> I'm running Planet CCRMA with Fedora and I can't use both my firewire hard 
> drive and USB soundcard (Tascam US-428).
> Ater the installation, Fedora recognized my firewire as a SCSI device (in the 
> hardware browser) but it did not appear as a hard drive so I could not mount 
> the volumes.
> I've found information about firewire devices with Fedora here:
> http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/snapshots/FC1-firewire/0README
> the files are here: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/snapshots/FC1-firewire/
> after doing 2.3 notes (so patching my /sbin/mkinitrd), my firewire is 
> recognized as a hard drive but i can't use my USB sound card any more.
> I tried different things and I've noticed that:
> when I install a kernel before patching my /sbin/mkinitrd, my USB soundcard 
> works but i can' mount my external volumes, and if I install a kernel after 
> patching the file i can mount the volumes but i can't read any sound !

What happens (with a kernel installed after patching mkinitrd) when you
try to start alsa? In a terminal as root after booting do:

  /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound start

What does it complain about?
-- Fernando

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