[PlanetCCRMA] Help compiling 2.6 kernel for preemtpion and lowlatency

Daniel Tonda Castillo dtc at gawab.com
Tue May 11 11:40:02 PDT 2004


I've installed FC2test3 and I'm trying to recompile the kernel
for lowlatency and preemption, because jack responds with a
message like:
this kernel has no capabilities...

jackstart: cannot get realtime capabilities, current
capabilities are:
           =ep cap_setpcap-ep
    probably running under a kernel with capabilities disabled,
    a suitable kernel would have printed something like "=eip".

I recompiled the kernel with the instructions from the
realtime-lsm patch. So I enabled CONFIG_SECURITY_CAPABILITIES=m.
Then recompiled the kernel. The kernel recompiles fine and boots
with no problem. 

Later on  tried to build the realtimes_lsm as a module, as per
instructions on the README and INSTALL and it fails.

Should i wait for the FC2 release and planet kernel for FC2?

The planet is great!

Daniel Tonda Castillo
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