[PlanetCCRMA] Problems with Redhat kernel

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Mar 28 11:34:01 PST 2004

On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 21:10, Laurel Ann Murphy wrote:
> Hi.  I just installed the Redhat kernel with low-latency patch, kernel version 
> 2.4.24-2.2140.rhfc1.caps. I'm experiencing problems with it.  The same problems 
> occur with the newest kernel avaliable for Fedora Core and the Planet CCRMA kernel 
> version 2.2.24-1.11.rhfc1.ccrma, but not with the original kernel, version 
> 2.24.2-2.2061.nptl.  The errors I'm getting follow.
> hda:  dma-timer expiry - dma status==0x61
> hda:  dma-timer expiry - dma status =0x61
> hda error waiting for DMA
> hda timeout retry:  status=0xd0 (Busy)
> ide0:  reset:  success
> The computer freezes when this message appears on  the console.  I have this same
> problem with the Fedora Core kernel 2.4.24-2.2174.nptl.  Even if the computer 
> stops freezing after a while, fsck needs run manually after every boot or reboot.
> It needs run even if I have shut down cleanly.  I've never experienced this 
> problem with Redhat 8 or 9.  I do know that it has something to do with the hard 
> drive.  Is there any way to correct this problem?

What motherboard do you have? Apparently the newer kernels are not happy
with your combination of motherboard and hard disk. I don't really know
enough to fix this. You could try to boot with/without acpi (acpi=on in
the redhat kernel, acpi=off in the Planet CCRMA kernel, add this in the
kernel boot line in /etc/grub/grub.conf), just in case routing of
interrupts is the problem (does not seem so). 

Have you tried the latest Planet CCRMA kernel? I have not released it
officially because of lack of time but it is working fine. To get to it
put another line in /etc/apt/sources.list, same as the planetcore, but
replace planetcore with planetedge. "apt-get update" and then "apt-get
install planetccrma-core". It's 2.4.25...

-- Fernando

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