[PlanetCCRMA] problem installing

Kevin English kevin at english.net
Wed Mar 24 00:18:01 PST 2004

Thanks, I found the problem, in my /etc/apt/apt.conf, i had to add this :

GPG-Check "false";

in the RPM section, so part of my apt.conf looks like this:

    Ignore { };
    Hold { };
   GPG-Check "false";
    Allow-Duplicated { "^kernel$"; "^kernel-"; "^kmodule-"; "^gpg-pubkey$" };
    Options { };
    Install-Options { "--oldpackage" };
    Erase-Options "";
    Source {
        Build-Command "rpmbuild --rebuild";

Your kernerl loaded smoothly:

uname -a
Linux hgs-test 2.4.24-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma #1 Mon Jan 5 14:18:02 PST 2004 i686
i686 i386 GNU/Linux

>> new to your project, only a few days since i upgraded to Fedora. I'm on
>> the "Installing the kernel and sound drivers" part. I do "apt-get -o
>> RPM::Install-Options::=--oldpackage install planetccrma-core" but it
>> doesn't seem to install the kernel, when i reboot it's still my old
>> kernel... Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
>> here's the output:
>> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
>> Checking GPG signatures...
>> Unsigned
>> /var/cache/apt/archives/kernel#2.4.24-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma_2.4.24-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma_i686.rpm:
>> sha1 md5 OK
>> /var/cache/apt/archives/planetccrma-core_2004.01.14-1.rhfc1.ccrma_i686.rpm:
>> sha1 md5 OK
>> E: Error: 11 unsigned package(s)
>>  package(s)s with unknown signatures
>>  package(s) with illegal/corrupted signatures
> The apt you have installed in your machine does not want to install
> packages that are not signed. You have to either convince it to not do
> that (don't know exactly how), or install an apt package that will
> allow you to install unsigned packages.
> -- Fernando

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