Open Music 4.7.2.beta error: can't find -lart_lgpl_2 (Re: [PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic error: can't find -lgtk-canvas on Red) Hat 8

Gregory D. Weber gdweber at
Thu Mar 18 21:35:02 PST 2004

That helps.  I installed the packages you suggested.
After that, omlinux got past the previous problem (-lart_lgpl_2), 
but got stuck looking for -lgdk_imlib.  

I found I already had the imlib package installed, which includes 
After installing imlib-devel, which also brought in zlib-devel,
I restarted omlinux, and this time it succeed in bringing up the
blue "OMWorkspace" window.  Hooray!


Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano writes:
 > > 3.  The newer (4.7.2.beta) version of omlinux reports it cannot find 
 > > -lart_lgpl_2.  (This is a different library than the one I reported missing 
 > > in connection with 4.7.1.beta.). 
 > Try installing it with: "apt-get install libart_lgpl libart_lgpl-devel"
 > Sorry, another dependency I was not aware off. 
 > -- Fernando
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