[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie trying to set up Quattro

Doug Regehr dregehr at rim.com
Sun Mar 14 20:18:01 PST 2004

Hello all,

I have just installed the planet on my Shuttle XPC SS51G, and now I'm trying to get my M-Audio Quattro working.  I've added Patrick Shirkey's  .asoundrc file to my home directory, as recommended by the ALSA website.  However, when I try to play a wave file through the Quattro:

[dregehr at atlantis dregehr]$ aplay -D quattro1 foo.wav

...the sound comes out of the Shuttle's integrated audio!!!  (The Quattro is not connected to any speakers, but it is turned on, and it shows up in /proc/asound/cards). Does anyone know what's going on here?

Thanks in advance,

Doug Regehr
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

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