[PlanetCCRMA] GPG keys?

Lawrie Abbott lawrieabbott at iinet.net.au
Sun Mar 14 18:05:02 PST 2004

Bruce Elliott wrote:

> ah ha!  That explains why I've been having trouble since I tried to 
> upgrade KDE from the Fedora site.  It must have updated my apt 
> installation, which originally came from Planet CCRMA (as do all good 
> things).
> Can I just go back to the apt install that I orinally had?  Will that 
> then mean that I can't use the packages from the Fedora repository?  
> I'll live with that if I have to.  Good CCRMA is more important that 
> the latest version of KDE.
> By the way, the KDE upgrade hasn't been working either, presumably 
> because of the missing signatures.  I noticed that if I tried it by 
> using Synaptic, it said that it would remove alsa and some 
> alsa-realted pacages.  I didn't of course, but I was wondering why it 
> would want to do that.  Conflicting dependencies, I guess...
> - Bruce
> Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>> <snip>
>> I'm not yet signing the packages and the Fedora.us apt package (which is
>> what I presume you have installed) is compiled so that it does not allow
>> you to install packages without a signature. Sigh... You have to install
>> an apt package that does not do that.
>> -- Fernando
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If you have individual apt.conf files for each repository (in 
apt.conf.d) than just add   GPG-Check "false"  line to ccrma.conf in the 
RPM section. 
Also  kde-redhat is a good apt source to upgrade your KDE . I have just 
finished upgrading to KDE3.2.1 on RH9. They basically have everything 
you need ... just make sure youve got *all* the required sources in the 
kde-redhat.list  (sources.list) file.


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