[PlanetCCRMA] Still no sound ...

Bruce Elliott belliott4488 at comcast.net
Fri Mar 12 19:27:01 PST 2004

Ah, ... I just assumed that you got your later alsa packages through 
Planet CCRMA.  Maybe Ferenando just hasn't yet upgraded alsa to that 
version (1.0.3).

I'm still a bit confused since Synaptic seems to say that I've got 
1.0.1, but when I  do cat /proc/asound/version, it responds with 1.0.0.

In the mean time, I seem to have broken things again, starting with 
Konqueror crashing for no apparent reason, and now my sounds have gone 
away again...

I'll have to trouble-shoot a bit and see if I can fix it...

thanks again,

Mark Knecht wrote:

>On Fri, 2004-03-12 at 18:32, Bruce Elliott wrote:
>>This is dumb, but I can't seem to remember how to upgrade to alsa 1.0.2 
>>(or to 1.0.3, although you seemed to recommend against that).
>>Is it just
>>apt-get upgrade alsa   (?)
>>That just gets me "0 packages  upgraded."
>>apt-get install alsa
>>doesn't do it either.  Can you just remind me of what I should be doing 
>>here?  (Acually, I kind of thought that "apt-get dist-upgrade" covered 
>>all packages, including alsa ... not so?)
>No, I think it should, however I haven't upgraded my Planet machine
>since about the time RH9 came out. It runs GigaStudio all the time so I
>hardly ever get to boot it into Linux anymore.
>I would suggest using Synaptic and looking in that app for the right
>names. Please remember that you'll never get upgrade further than
>Fernando is ready to take you, so it really depends on what's available
>in the Planet's library of RPM files.
>- Mark
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