[PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic

Steven Yi kunstmusik at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 3 21:35:02 PST 2004

Hi All,

After reading Dave Philips Linux Journal article on OpenMusic and 
SuperCollider, I tried to download OpenMusic from the Planet repository and 
was not able to.  I am using Fedora Core 1.  I tried apt-get as well as 
Synaptic and could not find it with either.  I also tried to grab the RPM 
from the link on the Planet-CCRMA website but received a "Not Found" error 
message from the server.  There appears to be RPM's for RH 7.3, 8.0, and 
9.0, however.

Is this correct and OpenMusic has not be made available on Fedora yet?  
Should I try using the RH 9 version?

Any help very much appreciated!


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