[PlanetCCRMA] added: ALPHA version of Planet Core components for FC2

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jun 24 17:14:01 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-24 at 12:49, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > I played with 2.6's jackd again last night, with the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL
> > trick (assuming I spelt it right ;), but I still cound't get anything like
> > relaible realtime performance.
> I think that is the correct spelling. 
> I still get weird behavior and I haven't had time to do any more
> testing. I noticed something yesterday. I would start qjackctl, then
> hydrogen and a bunch of other apps (pipe hydrogen through freqtweak and
> jackeq). 

_and_, I forgot, jack-rack running gverb. 
And I think _that_ is the problem. 

> I would start hydrogen playing one of the demos. All goes well,
> no xruns. Finally it stops, start it again and do this a couple of
> times. Fine. Then do nothing, and after a little while (10-15 secs?) I
> would get a storm of xruns. Then all is well again. I managed to repeat
> this a couple of times. Has to be a coincidence that I did not get xruns
> while hydrogen was running, right? Everything _is_ running all the
> time... I'll try again later. 

If I disable gverb then things apparently return to normal (ie: normal
is ocassional xruns of around 3 msecs running at 128x2). If I enable
gverb things go bonkers a little while after hydrogen stops feeding
smaples to the rest of the chain...


Can we say "denormals"??
The tail end of the reverb slowly dies and eventually gets to the point
where it fades to almost zero. That would do it, right? And explain why
it happens after hydrogen is done with its run? So it is not a
coincidence after all...

Exactly what software are you using to test?
-- Fernando

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