[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [a-users] Re: Rehmudi kernel 2.4.26-1.ll
Diemo Schwarz
Diemo.Schwarz at ircam.fr
Mon Jun 21 11:39:13 PDT 2004
I just tried to boot with the PlanetCCRMA low-latency kernel
[that's why I'm crossposting to the planetccrma list] for my version 8 of
Redhat, but it's giving the same error: (see below for details)
kernel panic: no init found. try passing init= option to kernel.
I have insmod and insmod.old in /sbin, and no /bin, where these kernels seem to
look for it. So I did a hard link of insmod* to /bin, but the error on booting
is exactly the same:
Kernel requires old insmod, but couldn't run /bin/insmod.old: No such file or
Where is the kernel looking for insmod at that stage? In the init ram disk?
Shouldn't the file systems be compiled into the kernel?
Sorry for bothering you with these problems, but that's where my diving limit
into the kernel is reached. Cheers...
Diemo Schwarz wrote:
> NGUYEN Ngoc Can wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> could you replace in /etc/grub.conf :
>> / initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img/
>> by
>> initrd /initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img
>> reboot your machine
> gives me:
> Error 15: File not found
> With the old version (using /initrd/boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img/), now I
> can tell you exactly the boot messages:
> loading jbd module
> kernel requires old insmod, no file /bin/insmod.old
> [the same for ext3 module]
> mounting root filesystem
> mount: error 19 mounting ext3
> pivotroot: [...] failed: 2
> umount /initrd/proc failed:2
> kernel panic: no init found. try passing init= option to kernel.
> Well, seems that when I installed the new modutils for the 2.6 kernel, I
> buggered up to keep the old versions around in the right place.
> I'll have a look immediately.
> B.t.w, I'm on redhat 8.
> Cheers...
>> Le lun 21/06/2004 à 14:02, Diemo Schwarz a écrit :
>>> /NGUYEN Ngoc Can wrote:
>>>> Hi Diemo,
>>>> Could you please describe me how did you install kernel
>>>> /2.4.26-1.ll/ ??
>>> with rpm -i kernel-2.4.26-1.ll.i686.rpm
>>> it gives me
>>> -rw-r--r-- root 590163 May 13 12:11 /boot/System.map-2.4.26-1.ll
>>> -rw-r--r-- root 42856 May 13 12:11 /boot/config-2.4.26-1.ll
>>> -rw-r--r-- root 304772 Jun 18 15:40 /boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img
>>> -rw-r--r-- root 15438 May 13 12:11 /boot/module-info-2.4.26-1.ll
>>> -rwxr-xr-x root 3123796 May 13 12:11 /boot/vmlinux-2.4.26-1.ll
>>> -rw-r--r-- root 1085409 May 13 12:11 /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1.ll
>>> and the grub entry (with loads of options I need to boot my normal
>>> kernel 2.4.21-pre5-ac3-mhp3 on my Compaq Presario 915 laptop)
>>> title AGNULA/RehMuDi low-latency kernel (2.4.26-1.ll)
>>> root (hd0,5)
>>> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1.ll ro root=/dev/hda6 hdc=ide nomce
>>> ide=nodma nobiospnp pci=biosirq nousb hdc=ide-scsi vga=792
>>> append="video=radeonfb:mode:1024x768,cmode:32" DISPLAYMANAGER=KDE
>>> initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img
>>>> thank you
>>> Thank *you* for caring...
>>> ...Diemo
>>>> Le dim 20/06/2004 à 22:47, Diemo Schwarz a écrit :
>>>>> /Hi all and especially Can,
>>>>> I installed the Rehmudi low-latency kernel 2.4.26-1.ll rpm from the
>>>>> update1 directory
>>>>> [//_//_http://download.agnula.org/rehmudi/update1/kernel-2.4.26-1.ll.i686.rpm__],
>>>>> but when I boot into it, I get a kernel panic with "no init found,
>>>>> try init= option" or similar.
>>>>> Everything seems alright, there is a .map and a matching initrd.
>>>>> Any idea what could have gone wrong?
>>>>> Cheers...
>>>>> ...Diemo//
>> */_________________________________/*/
>> *_NGUYEN Ngoc Can_*_ / Consultant __RHCE_/
>> *Red Hat* *France*
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Diemo Schwarz, Ph.D. -- http://www.ircam.fr/anasyn/schwarz
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