[PlanetCCRMA] added: ALPHA version of Planet Core components for FC2

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Sun Jun 20 23:09:01 PDT 2004

> Strange. But those things are working with the standard fc2 kernel,
> right?

Yes, no problem on bog-standard FC2.  It's actually repeatable
on the CCRMA kernel:

[root at babylero root]# service realcap stop
Unloading realcap modules:                                 [  OK  ]
[root at babylero root]# service named restart
Stopping named:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting named: named: capset failed: Operation not permitted

> Which parts of XFCE were not working? (I have not used it, maybe I have
> to try it to see what breaks).

xftaskbar4 failed to start on my first login after I installed
the new kernel, but I can't repeat that now, so maybe it was a one-off.


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