[PlanetCCRMA] FSMSI 2004 - European seminar on "Free Software for Multimedia Streaming over Internet" - detailed scheduling

Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia info at miu-ft.org
Sat Jun 19 10:29:45 PDT 2004

      [ Sorry for cross-posting - feel free to forward around ]


			      FSMSI 2004

			    European seminar
	Free Software for Multimedia Streaming over the Internet

			      1st edition

			   June 23/24, 2004

			 IRCAM, Paris, France




  The   exponential  growth of   network speed  makes  it  possible to
  exchange high quality audio and  video  contents over the  Internet,
  often  with real  time capabilities.   However, multimedia streaming
  still presents several issues with regards to Free Software and open
  standards: patents on software     and data formats,  free    codecs
  availability, standards  definitions,  etc, etc.   The goal  of this
  seminar is to provide an   overview  of existing Free Software   for
  multimedia streaming over  Internet, to envisage future developments
  and collaborations in this area and  to examine the possible ways to
  fund these developments.


Wednesday, June 23:

IRCAM, Salle Stravinsky:

 9:45-10:00 : François Déchelle (IRCAM) - Introduction
10:00-10:20 : Andrea Glorioso (MIU-FT) - Innovating the Media: why
					 Streaming is important for Free 
					 Software (and viceversa)
10:30-11:00 : Olivier Lescurieux (IRCAM) - Interactive multimedia projects 
					   at Ircam
11:00-12:00 : Carlo Calabrò (VideoLAN) - The VideoLAN project
12:00-14:00 : Lunch break

IRCAM, Salle Olivier Messiaen:

14:00-14:45 : Eric Gressier (CNAM/Cedric) - The distributed concert
15:00-16:00 : Dominique Fober (GRAME) - Clock skew in real-time networking;
				        Wireless performances in regard
				        of music applications

16:00-....  - open Q&A, discussion & hacking session

Thursday, June 24:

IRCAM, Salle Stravinsky:

10:00-11:00 : Yann Orlarey (GRAME) - Distant Music Rehearsal
11:00-12:00 : Stuart Cunningham, Michael Sparks, 
	      Anuradha Suraparaju (BBC R&D) - BBC Research and
					      Development multimedia projects
12:00-13:00 : Juan Carlos De Martin (IEIIT-CNR/Politecnico di Torino) - 
					   The Open Media Streaming project

13:00-14:00 : Lunch break

IRCAM, Salle Stravinsky:

14:00 - .... : open Q&A, discussion & hacking session


Francois Déchelle, IRCAM (dechelle at ircam.fr)
Andrea Glorioso, Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia (sama at miu-ft.org)


The presentations will be streamed in OGG/VORBIS format.


Web site:	http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/fsmsi2004/
Mailing list:	freestreaming-paris2004 at lists.miu-ft.org

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