[PlanetCCRMA] Help with Midi Keyboard Connection

Martin Beard Mbeard1 at cox.net
Tue Jun 15 17:30:02 PDT 2004

Can anyone help me.  I am trying to connect an Alesis QS6 synth to the 
joystick port of my  computer. I had been doing this in Windows so I 
know that I have had good physical connections. Now that I am trying to 
make the same keyboard work in Linux I don't know how to connect to the 
computers midi port.

I have loaded the Alsa drivers for SIS7012 onboard soundcard (uses 
intel8x0 audio).
Checked the /etc/modules.conf file that was created using the alsaconfig 
Loaded software applications: Qjackctl (jack), Rosegarden, Qsynth 
 From a terminal window submit aconnect -lio and the screen output shows 
that the virtual synth and sequencer are working fine but I have no 
other ports to connect the keyboard to.

I have done every thing that I can find to do. Has anyone been able to 
the SIS7012 drivers to support a keyboard or is there something I have 

Please help.
Marty Beard
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