[PlanetCCRMA] Cinelerra failure

Knut-H åvard Aksnes kna at tirsdagsklubben.nu
Tue Jun 15 14:32:01 PDT 2004

> On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 01:04, Suvarow wrote:
>> Knut-Håvard Aksnes wrote:
>> >>Cinelerra fails for me in strange ways.
>> >>All recent versions of cinelerra have some or all of these problems.
>> >>
>> >>
>> I've got exactly the same strange problem, which prevents me from using
>> Cinelerra. I'm running FC1, updated with CCRMA packages & low lattency
>> kernel, SMP version, on a PIV 2,6ghz.
>> The cinelerra version i installed is 1.2.0-1.rhfc1.ccrma, with
>> tap-plugins-0.5.0-1 ; I also had the same problem with the preceding
>> version of the cinelerra rpm, on FC1 (plain FC1, no ccrma patch).
>> Really don't know where it comes from. Cinelerra preloads, loading all
>> its parts, and just before showing the UI (at the time of the message
>> "initiating user interface"), it crashes.
> I don't know what may be wrong either...
>> Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> >You could add this line at the end of
>> >/etc/prelink.conf so that prelink does not touch it:
>> >
>> >-b /usr/bin/cinelerra
>> >
>> That doesn't work for me.
>> weird.
> Not really, that workaround works only on FC2. The prelink included in
> FC1 does not allow for exceptions for binaries. I'll release a new
> version of cinelerra _and_ (I have to do this, no other workaround I can
> think of) a new version of prelink for FC1 based on the source rpm for
> FC2. That should fix things. Thanks a lot for the reports!!
Does prelink follow symlinks, if not you can install the cinelerra binary
in a path not searched by prelink and then symlink to it from /usr/bin
thus avoiding the problem.

Fixing the underlying problem (probably something with options to
assembler, compiler or linker) is the long term solution. New options have
been introduced to parts of the compiler chain to support prelinking.

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