[PlanetCCRMA] [OT] another APT question

Nathaniel Virgo nathaniel.virgo at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 7 13:26:02 PDT 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 06:59, Nathaniel Virgo wrote:
>>Hi, I know this doesn't strictly relate to Planet CCRMA but I wasn't 
>>sure where else to try first.
>>I installed the GIMP 2 rpm by installing some of the dependancies from 
>>source and then using 'rpm --nodeps', as in the end this seemed much 
>>easier than trying to mix several repositories in order to get the 
>>RPMs.  However, now I can't do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' without it 
>>complaining about the broken dependencies and wanting to remove the 
>>GIMP.  Is there anything I can do about that?
>Not much. You have to fix the dependencies. "--nodeps" and apt are not
>to be mixed. You could try to see what "apt-get -f install" tries to do
>to your system to fix the problem. 
>Dependencies are there in the packages for a reason. If you ignore them
>then something is not going to work (eventually). 
>-- Fernando

Okay, fair enough - 'apt-get -f install' just wants to remove the gimp 
so I guess I'll either have to somehow find rpm versions of the things I 
installed from source or else install gimp-2 from source as well.

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